Helga Moore Counselling in Cardiff

About Counselling. mountains

How counselling can help.

Counselling offers a space to pause, reflect, and breathe, supporting change and inspiring hope.

I believe the opportunity to talk and be really heard on a deep level by a compassionate, patient, non-judgemental counsellor can be powerfully healing and transformative. I feel that the relationship between client and counsellor is the most important factor in achieving positive results.

Alongside this I believe that clients often need psychological education. Knowledge is empowering and liberating. I aim to offer practical help with mental and emotional stress in the here and now. There are several accounts of how this worked for clients on my Testimonials page.

My Approach

My approach to counselling and therapy is humanistic, relational and existentialist. I am very interested in spirituality and living mindfully aware of the impact of how we experience our emotions and use or misuse our imagination.

I work as a Human Givens Therapist.
The Human Givens approach to therapy is a very optimistic solution focussed style of counselling offering both short and long term work depending on the complexity of the issues. Human Givens therapists work by always considering the emotional and physical needs and innate resources which every living being is gifted with, and working collaboratively with clients to determine how to manage this mix in a more self nurturing and balanced manner.
For more information about this way of working the human givens website has a wealth of information: https://www.hgi.org.uk

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